To LSAT or Not to LSAT

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Do you ever have a moment, where you're like, I don't know, not to be specific, but you kind of feel like, "What did I go to college for, because I don't even know what the purpose of my degree was and all of my internships were in event planning, and I really want to be a badass wedding planner and walk around with a clipboard and have lots of people work for me and be written about by Martha Stewart's wedding magazine and take lots of vacations on the side and go diving with great white sharks, but also what if I went to law school instead because I might need an actual viable financially stable career in the future?" 

Anyone? No? Cool. Same. 

I don't know if I'm just really unique in this situation, but it seems like everyone knows exactly what they're doing with their lives. Except me. And I know that that's just what people say and what my generation thinks and that society just values traditional careers over non-traditional ones, but you know what? That's just kind of a bummer sometimes. 

What if I want to do something totally non-traditional? What if I want to be a wedding planner/ adventure taker/great white shark photographer but I also want stable income and full coverage health insurance? What then, world? What then

At this point in my life, I'd be happy taking sporadic paychecks over a more stable income, but the full coverage health insurance is non-negotiable because hey, great white sharks have a lot of teeth, and even being a wedding planner is super dangerous because one time I dropped a vase on my foot and broke two toes. 

How many of us question our career choices and forgo jobs that play to our strengths and passions for the promise of not paying a month's rent just for a simple doctor's visit?

How many of us convince ourselves that our cubicles are where we really want to be during the day, and that our love of nature photography, or interior design, or travel writing are much better suited as hobbies? 

We tell kindergarteners that they can be anything they want. Even when they say they want to be a velociraptor. So why when a college kid says they want to be a travel blogger, it's our first instinct to tell them that they need to have a "real job" too? 

Why does society believe that we the bloggers are not worth as much as an investment bankers? Why is an artist not as respected as a lawyer? Why is a celebrity stylist laughable, but a marketing executive remarkable? They're all just things that people choose to do, because they're passionate about it, to pass the time until we can all retire and spend way too much time on a golf course or bird watching.

Because, really, that's the end goal, isn't it? To work and make a living and keep yourself afloat on this tumultuous sea of life until you reach a point where you don't have to anymore. And when we get to that point, it won't really matter what we did anyways, because we won't be doing it anymore. We'll be watching our grandchildren struggle with the same decisions we are now. 

But hopefully, when they ask you if they should take the LSAT as a backup in case their beekeeping business doesn't take off, you'll tell them that they don't need a backup, even though you sat on your bed after graduation and panicked about your degree and Googled "easy ways to get into law school" and cried a lot. And you'll look around at your golf course or bird watching bench, and remind them that the end goal is really to just be happy. 

This print... fo' free!

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