This Is Where You Come In

Windrose Magazine issue 2 is almost finished!

And I'm super pumped to be able to share with you some details and let you know how you can get your copy!

In issue 2, you’ll find articles like:

  • "On Heartbreak and Healing"
  • "The Poison of Perfectionism"
  • "In Defense of Loneliness"
  • "How Corporate Killed My Creativity And How I Got It Back"
  • "On What It Means to Matter: An Interview with Author Hannah Brencher"

And so much more—all real life stories to assure you that you’re not alone as you navigate life in your twenties.

This is where you come in.

In support of Windrose issue 2, we’re launching a Kickstarter today! 

3 simple ways you can support us:

  1. Purchase this dope “Awake My Soul” downloadable print and/or
  2. Pre-Order issue 2 of Windrose Magazine.
  3. Share the Kickstarter with friends and fam who would enjoy Windrose!
Support our Kickstarter by purchasing this "Awake My Soul" downloadable print!

Support our Kickstarter by purchasing this "Awake My Soul" downloadable print!

Why Kickstarter?

You get a beautiful print and magazine, and we’ll use the Kickstarter funds to pay our contributors + purchase magazine inventory.


The only caveat? If we don't meet our Kickstarter funding goal, we don't receive the funds. But I'm confident that with this community's help, we'll be able to successfully reach our goal!

THANK YOU for your support—I can’t wait for you to hold in your hands and read the stories inside this next issue of Windrose! I'll be sharing more about the mag in the weeks to come!

As always if you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

— Ally
That First Year Co-Founder & Editor